Monday, November 01, 2010

I'd always lie on the left and you on the right. Skin against skin and you always held me close to you. I hate it when you're always falling asleep faster than I do but yet I find myself gazing at you sleeping. I know you're not afraid of me tickling you but I still do anyway haha. Do you remember the first time when I was in your arms and I told you told me you'd make me the happiest girl, when you told me not to be scared? Everytime when I asked why your hands seem so big when you held mine you told me they would make me feel safe. That was the best thing. Everytime you hug me or kiss me on my forehead you make me feel as if nothing else would ever come close. For the week that I was in japan you had no idea how much I thought about you but to see your texts when I landed back at sg I swear I could cry. Oh and that night when you called me and said you've stuff to tell me when it turned out you just called to say you love me. I swear it was the sweetest thing. Ever. You would always be hooked on dota and I would stay up just so you would text me to say goodnight and when you did i really would be happy. I was afraid that this day would come. Not that I know it wouldn't but not under this circumstance. it just made everything fall apart twice as hard twice as badly. Recently..... All these fights between us. Everytime we had one it just made me stop and think if I was really important to you after all. When you asked me how much you meant to me at the salon and I said a lot, I did mean what I say. Though a part of me wants to ask you that burning question as well it didn't really bother. All I wanted was for you to be with me. Guess I know that now more than ever. Maybe to you this is all going at the speed of light and maybe you're right but seriously I thought we were more than that. it doesn't matter if you don't have me in your heart anymore. Cos I wouldn't care if I only had you with me. Now here I am aimlessly typing all these thru here though I know you'd never look. I love you. Isn't that enough?

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