Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Insomnia full blast. Shiok! Ogay la, it's my own bio clock's fault. I slept the whole day today anyway. Life: same thing. Like a sian only. Entertainment pls?

This girl so nice manz. Came over to lepak. We cooked Campbell's soup (Y)!

She say i stinky!!! :(

I like (Y)

Michelle you this burnt pig!!!

Michelle the Elmo = happigurl93 nao. (Y) ah, i am happy for you. Hehehe, no need scared ogay! I'm here like you're always there 4 me. Smile smile smile^^


Michelle Tan said...

your michelle the elmo like very misleading HAHA.

SELINA said...

HAHAHAHA ooops. Sorry, the other Michelle! Anyway go out soon leh -.-